Monday 16 December 2013

Top Music Videos Research

As it is nearing the end of the year, many websites and blogs are releasing posts and articles highlighting which music videos have been the most popular this year. I have decided to take information from one of the posts and analysis some of the decision to see why they were most popular, what aspects of the video made them popular and also if what parts of the video I like and dislike. I have decided to use Rolling Stone's 'Top 10 Music Videos of 2013' as they are a reputable music source.

Number 10 - Vampire Weekend - "Diane Young"

Vampire Weekend are an indie band, who have a quite large and dedicated following of fans, this song was the first single off of their most recent album so it was bound to be quite successful. Vampire Weekend are one of my favourite bands and I personally think this video is one of their best, because it finds a good balance between narrative, which is mild as they are an indie band, but I find they work the beat and feel of the song in well with the video. As the song builds so does the video and that's why I think it is such a well liked video as the building of the song and video help build the viewing experience and help give the audience a better feel for the music. Rolling Stone quoted the video as 'frantic and hilarious' which I agree completely with, they achieved this by also using well known figures in the Indie scene such as 'Sky Ferreira, Santigold and David Longstreth', while also using a set which some will recognise from the famous Leonardo Da Vinci Painting of the final supper. This use of a well known painting will draw people from other musical scenes who probably wouldn't have watched the video otherwise, therefore widening the audience and gaining publicity.


Number 8 -  Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - "Can't Hold Us"

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis released this song as a second single off of their most recent album, as their first song was such a big hit both musically and due to the video going viral, this song and video were much anticipated, however also due to the fact that Macklemore and Ryan Lewis had exploded onto the music scene this year bringing in a whole new type of artist, Macklemore combines rapping and positive political messages, in a way which is accessible for many types of audiences, while using Ryan Lewis and various of artists to create and feature in his music. The video for this song covers more than just the song featuring a small narrative section at the beginning and end, also credits are featured making the video more of a short film than a video. I agree with the video being in the Top 10 because it suits the artists style of music but also challenges standard conventions of that genre, most rap artists wouldn't have a video with a narrative, or a video that is filmed in such a professional, almost sophisticated way, however this video does this successfully in my opinion.


Number 5 - Robin Thicke - "Blurred Lines"

Robin Thicke has exploded on to the scene this year with his controversial one hit wonder that is Blurred Lines. Undoubtedly the most controversial video of the year, the song combines singing and rap to form an all round standard misogynistic song that is expected in the Hip Hop/R&B world of today. The video in my opinion is very distasteful and painful to watch because of the blatant stereotypes of the genre which are featured, however I personally think the acknowledgment of these issues is 50/50 with the audience as the video and song are popular for two main reasons. The first being people actually like the song and video, enjoying the voyeuristic treatment of women and using it for their own viewing pleasure. The second reason I think its gotten so much attention is because people are fighting against the message and trying to make a point about it. However there is no arguing that the video has been a big hit this year, regardless of why, the video fits in with the Genre of the song and this is probably why people enjoy the video so much, as it is nothing out of the ordinary for what is expected of that genre.

Number 1 - Miley Cyrus - "Wrecking Ball" 

Miley Cyrus in the past year has probably made the biggest change to her musical identity and look than ever before in her life, some argue the changes to be bad, some argue good, but regardless Wrecking Ball was a complete game changer for Miley. After a year of criticism and at times abuse for her song 'We Can't Stop', she completely opens up to her audience and the world with her minimalistic video and ballad like song Wrecking Ball. Managing to claw back any respect people ever had for her, she ALMOST makes a tasteful video, the two element which I personally think make this such a popular video is the stripped back, honest feelings which are displayed in the video make it appealing for the audience who are hungry for anything to do with the artists personal life. However the video is also popular as people are intrigued to see and criticise her controversial chose to ride a wrecking ball naked.

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