Monday 2 September 2013

The Purpose of a Music Video

What is the purpose of a Music Video?

- A music video is typically a short film which involve the song that it is accompanying and also video of the artist or typically a story line which links to the artists or the song.

- Music videos are mainly used as a promotional tool to help sell the artist, the song or the album that the song has come off of.

- Music videos are also used to sell product, which either link to the artist or have been paid by a company to feature to help sell a product. An artist which regularly featured a great deal of 'Product Placement' in their music videos is Will.I.Am

- Music videos sometimes features clips from a film, this is if the song features in the film, this can help promote either the film or the song depending on how famous the artist if or how big the film is.

- Some artists use music videos to clear up rumours about their personal lives but also use them to publicise themselves and make themselves more well known by creating rumours and controversy.

- Music video are used as a form of communications by some artists to reach out to their fans and make them feel closer to the artist. Some artists have very large and close followings of fans so they
use music videos to make their fans feel featured and part of their lives.

- Music videos are also used to help the audience remember the song which features, music videos give the audience visuals to match the song with, helping them remember it.

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