Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Lyric Analysis and Their Importance

Lyrics of a song are very important with regards to a music video because most of the time, when a music video is made, it contains a narrative which is the root and main theme in the video. The lyrics of a video are usually the inspiration for what happens in the video and most of the time references to the lyrics are made throughout.
If we look at Goodwin's Theory of Music Videos, we can see that many of his points include the crossing over and inclusion of lyrics and visuals or the lyrics and the narrative. In some cases the lyrics of the video may be references through the use of characters moving, dancing or acting, however sometimes they may be referenced by having the actual object mentioned in the lyrics present in the video, or by having the lyrics come up on screen using a font.
The main importance that lyrics have with regards to a music video is the fact that without lyrics, lip syncing wouldn't be possible, and lip syncing is the most recognised and used feature of a music video, it is extremely rare and risky for an artist to not put lip syncing in their video.
'A little gambling is fun when you're with me' - is sung when the artist is holding up playing cards and playing poker.
'Baby, you're a firework' - is sung while the artist has fireworks shooting out of her chest.

 This analysis will help me when it comes to planning and making my music video as it has shown me how the lyrics of a song can influence the narrative and images seen in the final music video. This analysis has given me new ideas for what I potentially want to feature in my final video, allowing me to be more creative in the planning stage of my video.

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