Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Magazine Advert Analysis - Mumford and Sons

Mumford and Sons - Sigh No More

 Font - This magazine advert contains the same font throughout the advert, which creates a sense of continuity and style throughout, the font is a very classic font however it also fits in with the rustic and classic theme that the band upholds. The largest piece of writing on the advert is a name of the band, which will aid in initially grabbing and drawing in the audiences attention. The second largest is the title of the album which is also important when involving the audience and gaining their attention. The remaining words are a quote from another magazine which helps sell the bend and the album, and songs which are featured on the album.
Colour - This advert uses colour in a similar way to most bands. It uses a dark coloured background with light coloured writing to create a contrast of colour which stands out and draws attention to the poster. There are also 4 pictures which show each member of the band, the colour and contrast of these pictures is similar to the rest of the poster making it look very professional and stylish once again.
Images - There is only 4 images shown in this advert, they are all similar and show the band members. The images shown are very vintage looking but because they are central to the poster, there is a large amount of attention on them, also each band member is shown holding or playing the instrument which they would play when in the band, this also helps to inform the audience of what the band do and will maybe help create more interest in the band. The images in the advert as square and have markings in the corner, this suggests that they are polaroid pictures which they gone out and taken themselves, this gives the audience the idea that they are very edgy and rustic as instead of having a professional photo shoot in a studio they have decided to go out and take the pictures themselves of out in the environment, this also makes suggestions to the audience about what their music is like. 

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