Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Magzine Advert Analysis - Florence and the Machine

Florence and the Machine - Lungs

 Font - This magazine advert brings to the audience attention two initial parts of the advert with regards to the font, first is the name of the artist, which is seen at the very top of the page, this is where most people will look first when looking at an advert, so they can initially build up an idea of what the product will be like before they purchase it by knowing who it is created by. You are then shown the title of the new album, which will add to what the audience expectation of the album will be. There is also a release date, which is obviously an important part of an advert as it informs the audience as to when the product is available.
Colour - This advert uses colour to it advantage, everything on the advert is black and white except the picture of the artist, which also draws the attention of the audience as they may recognise who is in the picture, also adding to their expectation of the album. The font is made to stand out a lot more by the use of black and white, as they are colours which best go together. The overall usage of colour in this magazine advert is very natural and calm, this could suggest to readers that the artist is like this as well, suggesting they are very genuine and produce natural music, as opposed to an artist who uses bright colours in their adverts, suggesting they create over the top music.
Images - There is only one image used in this advert as it is of the artist. This helps a lot when making an effective advert, especially when it is for a well established artist as people are likely to see the advert and recognise the artist. The advert shows the artist looks to the right with her eyes closed, creating an air of mystery, also the picture is linked to the title of the album as the artist can be seen with iron like lungs on her chest. The pictures and the font in the advert are all well proportioned meaning that the attention to each component in this advert is relatively equal.
 This analysis has given me an in-depth look into how Magazine Adverts are constructed and the different parts which make them up. Doing this analysis will help me when it comes to planning and making mine as I now have a greater knowledge of Magazine Adverts, how they use their components to grab the readers attention but also how they are constructed.  

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